History of Black Polewear

Black Polewear came about as spontaneously as my pole dancing career began in 2018...

Campfire Cologne Surroundings Emergence Startup Polebrand

The business idea was born during an evening with friends

On a warm summer weekend at the end of August 2022, we planned to go camping with a few friends at a lake near Cologne. In my circle of friends, it is customary that everyone can bring other friends who are new to the group. This is how I met Amin, who told me that he comes from Bangladesh and has clothes manufactured there on a large scale to sell in Germany. I, on the other hand, showed him pictures and videos of my greatest hobby and explained to him how difficult it is to find suitable clothing for this sport. And a new cooperation was born, which has now developed into a wonderful friendship.

The search for additional suppliers

Since he specialized mainly in cotton, Amin initially only produced T-shirts for me with my own newly founded fashion label "Black Polewear" , but he helped me a lot with everything and gave me ideas and the courage to continue. Due to the high demands on materials in the sportswear sector, I then looked for other suppliers in order to meet my own and my customers' quality standards. Today I work with numerous producers from various Asian countries.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank my dear friend Amin from the bottom of my heart. Without you I would never have made it this far!

Black Polewear Branding Pole Brand History Brand

But why “black” polewear?

I used to not be a big fan of social media, but at the beginning of my studies it became clear that I needed a Facebook account like everyone else in order to make it easier to connect with people in my new adopted home of Trier and to be up to date, especially in the event sector. To maintain my anonymity, I decided not to publish my full legal name and so I came up with the idea of translating my last name "Schwartz" into English. That way at least the people who know me would know who is behind the profile.

From that point on, "Black" was a new identity for me. There were even fellow students who looked for this nickname on my doorbell. The name became more and more prominent, so that from then on I was often called "Miss Black" or "Black Beauty". I now associate the latter with my brand, because BLACK is SEXY, BLACK is CLASSY and BLACK is BEAUTIFUL, just like my customers.

Black Polewear Black is classy Sexy Beautiful

The perfect pole outfit

I hope that you enjoy my designs as much as I do. Every item that is available for purchase on my website has been developed with a lot of love and creativity. The sets bear the first names of the girls who sat down with me to finally create their perfect pole outfit. Because standard has no place here!