Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Self-defense Krav Maga

Black Polewear takes on social responsibility and works with Tana Schulte from " YOU CAN FIGHT " to help women become more self-confident. With holistic training, women can learn in YCF courses how to behave in precarious situations or even how to avoid getting into one in the first place. In the programs, women learn, among other things, the art of self-defense in the form of Krav Maga.

Corporate Social Responsibility at Black Polewear with You can Fight Krav Maga #youarenotalone in Cologne. Black Polewear assumes social responsibility for women in the areas of self-defense and dealing with sexual crimes.

Social responsibility

Black Polewear is committed to helping women deal better with violence and sexual assault. The #dubistnichtallein initiative, founded in 2023, was created after a court case at the Cologne Regional Court in which the accused was held accountable for raping several women. According to the victims, it helped them to know that they were not the only woman who fell for the imposter. Processing the crime became easier when they became more aware that they were not to blame and that the accused was an unscrupulous repeat offender. As a result, they can now deal with the past with confidence and support other women in taking the step of talking about what happened and thus initiating the inner healing process.

You also want to help?

Black Polewear would be happy if you also stood up for women who have been raped and shared content from #youarenotalone . You are also welcome to contact us directly via the contact form on this page if you have further ideas on how to improve prevention.